Elegant yet Durable Guard Booth – Factory Assembled Portable Guard Booth
Par-Kut International plays a significant role in providing guard booths, security booth, guard shacks and guard houses (guardhouses) to airports, private industry, commercial, industrial, government and the U.S military throughout America and around the globe. Because Par-Kut portable steel buildings are built to withstand years of physical and environmental abuse, they are the logical choice when choosing guard houses, dock shelters, sally ports, perimeter check points, inspection booths and gun or surveillance towers.
In addition to options available on all Par-Kut guard booths, special security features are offered to keep personnel comfortable, as well as secure. A partial list of options includes reflective glass, gun portals, security screens, intercoms, sliding windows, exterior lighting, dimmable interior lights, and bullet resistant construction to UL 752, Level 8. As a crucial aspect of today’s security systems, Par-Kut has perfected bullet resistant fabrication.
Par-Kut guard booths offer the most durable, long-lasting, welded galvanized portable steel buildings such as guard houses, guard shacks, observation towers, border inspection booths and security access control checkpoints. Those guard booths are all prefabricated and portable. The factory-assembled guard booth allows you to easily move it with a forklift, a crane or many other methods. Par-Kut’s guard booths are all welded steel construction with the use of durable, low maintenance materials, which ensures the guard booth’s greatest longevity.
Par-Kut guard booths are available in a multitude of styles and colors and can include many different exterior looks achieved with two-tone paint, brick veneers, various types of glass and roof top finals. Through these treatments Par-Kut prefab guard booths can complement any location’s design elements or existing architectural scheme. We are constantly striving to bring innovative yet functional and aesthetic guard booth design ideas to the production floor.
Here at Par-Kut our specialty is to provide guard booths also known as guard houses, guardhouse, guard shacks or security booths, but our focus is customer service and helping you find the best guard booth at hand. Our guard booths are all durable, long-lasting portable steel buildings, since 1954 – built to order and built to last!
Guard Booth 21-108-9 Par-Kut Security Booth #21-108-9 was installed to one of the largest brewing companies in the world, Milwaukee Brewing Co. Each of the 14′ x 18′ welded steel structures was insulated against the harsh weather and had two sets of double doors with electric strikes and automatic operators. […]
Read MorePar-Kut built these two security shelters for installation over top of some tandem security turnstiles located at an industrial plant or warehouse in Georgia. The Par-Kut welded steel construction allows the assembled turnstile canopy to be crane offloaded and set in place over the top of already installed turnstiles. These […]
Read MoreThis 18’ x 23’ bullet resistant guard booth or welded steel security building is Par-Kut job #19-165, a two module unit with many custom features, including bullet resistant construction in half of the building, transaction drawer for identity verification, exterior brick prep, extended roof overhang with lighting, climate control tinted […]
Read MoreUtility companies around the country have increased their level of protection with bullet resistant guard booths like the bullet resistant guard booth shown here. This sleek modern appearance of the security booth is very misleading. The building’s walls, glazing, doors and roof are enclosed with armor plate and glass that […]
Read MoreThese custom built 6’ x 12’ and 6’ x 15’ guard booths, also known as security booths, guard houses or guard buildings, were manufactured for a Tier One automotive supplier in the greater Detroit area. The site architect incorporated the monolithic appearance of the main building along with reveals, tinted […]
Read MorePar–Kut guard booth SN 18-011 is one of two standard welded steel guard booths with a hazardous location electrical system. The customer’s needed these security booths, also known as guard houses or guard buildings for checking shipping manifests and to provide safe haven for workers as they are located in […]
Read MoreThe Par-Kut guard Booth with customized canopy 03-428 was an 8 x 8 Several of these guard booths with their guard booth canopies built to order entrance security booths were made for a Fortune 500 manufacturing company in Richmond, VA. Each custom designed welded portable steel building includes: a storefront […]
Read MoreThis 10′ x 21′ factory assembled Par-Kut guard booth, also known as guard house, guardhouse, guard building or security building was custom built for a high security data center in Virginia. The 24/7 location required a built in restroom as well as separate work stations at each end of the […]
Read MoreThis Par-Kut guard booth 11-265 was another custom-built security guard house, also known as guardhouse designed and manufactured for the FOMOCO Research Center. This 5′ x 12′ security booth features windows all around for superior visibility and two sliding doors that allow guards quick access to traffic on both sides. […]
Read MoreOne of our best customers is this chain of full service car washes. Our custom designed car wash cashier booths have a unique bay window at the customer facing end of the booth. Our customer wraps the factory finished guard booth with their vinyl signage package. This cashier booth is […]
Read MoreThis 8′ x 12′ made-to-order guard booth was designed and built for an automotive assembly plant. Custom-designed security booth details include the 24″ roof overhang for shade and rain protection, two sliding doors, two sliding windows, two tone paint and custom blue tinted insulated Low E glass. With interior and […]
Read MoreThis Par-Kut guard booth 05-396 is a parking lot security booth. This 8′ x 8′ welded steel guard booth, also known as parking booth was insulated for cold weather, has a heavy duty heater and has windows all around for 360-degree visibility. The guard has a 36″ wide hinged steel […]
Read MoreThis large guard booth, also known as guard house, guard building, or security building was a two-module unit, custom designed and built for a new automobile assembly plant in Detroit, Michigan. The 12′ x 58′ security booth features a hip style roof with ribbed standing seam roofing treatment as well […]
Read MoreThis 10′ x 18′ guard booth, also known as security booth, guard building, or security building was designed and built for a truck marshalling yard and has a built-in elevated base that enables the security officers inside to be at the same eye level as the truck drivers. The welded […]
Read MoreThis custom built 18′ x 23′ large guard booth, also known as guard house, guard building, security building or security booth includes custom double band extended overhang canopy! This guard booth was built as a visitor screening facility. This particular security booth is one of Par-Kut guard booth applications. Par-Kut […]
Read MoreIn addition to the proper size and position on your perimeter, the design and layout of your guard booth is critical to your business’s safety.
Read MoreEventually, you need to replace an old guard booth, guard house, security booth, ticket booth or control booth, whether it is a prefabricated guard
Read MorePar-Kut guard booths, security booths, ticket booths and control booths are portable, prefabricated and factory-assembled with single unit, welded
Read MoreUse of a guard booth, also known as a security booth, has been typical in the parking industry for decades. The security booth is often called a
Read MoreA guard booth, also known as a security booth or guard house, is regularly used in a wide variety of manufacturing and processing environments.
Read MoreTouchless technology is key to adapting your security booth, guard booth or guardhouse to the post Covid-19 world when people prefer minimum physical
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