This 10′ x 18′ guard booth, also known as security booth, guard building, or security building was designed and built for a truck marshalling yard and has a built-in elevated base that enables the security officers inside to be at the same eye level as the truck drivers. The welded steel prefabricated guard booth, also known as prefab guard booth or prefab security booth has two sliding windows and built-in counter-tops for functionality and includes Low E high performance glass and insulation for building code compliance. HVAC, lights and outlets were all factory installed and the guard booth shipped complete, ready to crane offload, set in place and use within a few hours.
This guard booth 15-185 is one of Par-Kut prefab security booth industrial applications. This type of guard is also called “control booth.” Par-Kut guard booths or security booths are prefabricated, pre-assembled and even portable with welded steel construction. A Par-Kut portable guard booth typically comes with forklift pockets in the base, skids underneath the base, or installed upon a small flatbed utility trailer in order to move by forklift or crane. For more information about Par-Kut guard booths or security booths including portable guard booths, prefab guard booths, guard buildings and security buildings, click the button below.